Board Members
Board of Supervisors
With the incorporation Acme became a dependent district of Wellington and the two entities share the same governing board with the Wellington Council acting as the Board of Supervisors for Acme.
Election Information and Administrative Services of the District
The Wellington Charter states that: “Effective March 28, 1996, at 7 p.m. the terms of office of the Board Supervisors of the Acme Improvement District shall terminate, and the village council members of the Village of Wellington shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Supervisors.” The Charter also states that “all special acts of the Acme Improvement District shall become ordinances of the Village of Wellington on March 28, 1996.”
Acme’s responsibilities currently include the construction, operation, and maintenance of administration and maintenance facilities, surface water management system facilities, park and recreation facilities, roads, and water and wastewater facilities. Wellington officials and staff perform the administration of these functions, and Acme’s official headquarters is in Wellington offices in Wellington, Florida. Upon incorporation all Acme employees became employees of Wellington. However, certain employees are assigned to the District for operations and maintenance while others are allocated to Acme for administration and managerial purposes. According to the Interlocal Agreement, Wellington acts on behalf of the District, and was authorized to exercise certain governmental responsibilities including the approval of plats, procurement of goods and services, execution of contracts, establishment of fees, acquisition and disposal of property, effectuation of regulatory compliance and defense and prosecution of court actions. Within Wellington government, three departments oversee most areas of the District’s administration: the Wellington Manager, Finance, and Public Works.